The Boy Friend

The Boy Friend

Released on
Music, Comedy, Romance
137 mins
(31 votes)

The assistant stage manager of a small-time theatrical company is forced to understudy for the leading lady at a matinée performance at which an illustrious Hollywood director is in the audience scouting for actors to be in his latest "all-talking, all-dancing, all-singing" extravaganza.


  • Twiggy
  • Christopher Gable
  • Max Adrian
  • Bryan Pringle
  • Murray Melvin
  • Moyra Fraser
  • Georgina Hale
  • Sally Bryant
  • Vladek Sheybal
  • Tommy Tune
  • Brian Murphy
  • Graham Armitage
  • Antonia Ellis
  • Caryl Little
  • Anne Jameson
  • Catherine Willmer
  • Robert La'Bassiere
  • Barbara Windsor
  • Glenda Jackson
  • Imogen Claire
  • Susan Claire
  • Petra Siniawski
  • Peter Greenwell
  • Steven Longhurst
  • Kenneth Colley


  • Ken Russell


  • Ken Russell


  • Ken Russell

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