Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
- Released on
- Runtime
- 91 mins
Lorelei Lee is a beautiful showgirl engaged to be married to the wealthy Gus Esmond, much to the disapproval of Gus' rich father, Esmond Sr., who thinks that Lorelei is just after his money. When Lorelei goes on a cruise accompanied only by her best friend, Dorothy Shaw, Esmond Sr. hires Ernie Malone, a private detective, to follow her and report any questionable behavior that would disqualify her from the marriage.
Lorelei Lee is a beautiful showgirl engaged to be married to the wealthy Gus Esmond, much to the disapproval of Gus' rich father, Esmond Sr., who thinks that Lorelei is just after his money. When Lorelei goes on a cruise accompanied only by her best friend, Dorothy Shaw, Esmond Sr. hires Ernie Malone, a private detective, to follow her and report any questionable behavior that would disqualify her from the marriage.
- Jane Russell
- Marilyn Monroe
- Charles Coburn
- Elliott Reid
- Tommy Noonan
- George Winslow
- Marcel Dalio
- Taylor Holmes
- Norma Varden
- Howard Wendell
- Steven Geray
- David Ahdar
- Alex Akimoff
- Aladdin
- John Alban
- Gordon Armitage
- Virginia Bates
- Mary Ellen Batten
- Harry Baum
- Mary Bayless
- Kip Behar
- Eumenio Blanco
- Herman Boden
- Jack Boyle
- Paul Bradley
- Tex Brodus
- William Cabanne
- Peter Camlin
- Harry Carey, Jr.
- Steve Carruthers
- Albert Cavens
- George Chakiris
- Spencer Chan
- Jack Chefe
- Beulah Christian
- John Close
- Robert Cole
- Joan Collenette
- Paul Cristo
- Roy Damron
- Drusilla Davis
- George Davis
- Jean De Briac
- Josette Deegan
- Jean Del Val
- Bobby Diamond
- Deena Dikkers
- Jack Dodds
- Dan Dowling
- Harry Evans
- Joe Evans
- Adolph Faylauer
- Bess Flowers
- George Ford
- Robert Foulk
- Alex Frazer
- Raoul Freeman
- Joel Friend
- Robert Fuller
- Ed Fury
- Kay Garrett
- Kenneth Gibson
- Joe Gilbert
- June Glory
- James Gonzalez
- Herschel Graham
- Bennett Green
- Stanley Hall
- Sam Harris
- John Hedloe
- Bill Hickman
- Chuck Hicks
- George Hoagland
- Stuart Holmes
- Casse Jaeger
- Dorothy Kellogg
- Colin Kenny
- Larry Kert
- Tommy Ladd
- Richard LaMarr
- Judy Landon
- Joan Larkin
- Henri Letondal
- Carl M. Leviness
- Shirley Lopez
- Robert Locke Lorraine
- Herb Lurie
- Warren Mace
- John Marlin
- Alphonse Martell
- Matt Mattox
- Bert May
- Frank McLure
- Russell Meeker
- Buzz Miller
- Harold Miller
- King Mojave
- Ray Montgomery
- Alvy Moore
- Roger Moore
- Donald Moray
- Leo Mostovoy
- Fred Moultrie
- James Moultrie
- Noel Neill
- Julie Newmar
- Robert Nichols
- Ron Nyman
- William H. O'Brien
- Monty O'Grady
- Gayle Pace
- Alfred Patix
- Stephen Papich
- John Pedrini
- Ralph Peters
- Hamil Petroff
- Foster H. Phinney
- Joe Ploski
- José Portugal
- Frank Radcliffe
- Fred Rapport
- Ellen Ray
- Steve Reeves
- Barry Regan
- Jack Regas
- Suzanne Ridgway
- James H. Russell
- Loretta Russell
- Paul Russell
- Rolfe Sedan
- Bernard Sell
- Harry Seymour
- Peggy Smith
- Buddy Spencer
- Ray Spiker
- Norman Stevens
- Roberta Stevenson
- Robert Street
- F. Philip Sylvestre
- Charles Tannen
- Lee Theodore
- Arthur Tovey
- Blaine Turner
- Tyra Vaughn
- Ray Weamer
- John Weidemann
- Dick Wessel
- Leo Wheeler
- Marc Wilder
- Max Willenz
- James Young
- Howard Hawks
- Sol C. Siegel
- Charles Lederer