Kai Rabe gegen die Vatikankiller

Kai Rabe gegen die Vatikankiller

Released on
Comedy, Thriller, Crime
92 mins
(2 votes)

Director Rufus Lindner is shooting his first film: " Die Vatikankiller". With audience favorite Kai Rabe in the leading role, success is guaranteed. But suddenly chaos descends on the film team: A starlet is murdered, the bitchy leading man goes increasingly crazy, a drunken policeman causes a lot of trouble, and the sex-obsessed producer Egon Lütter doesn't make things any easier.


  • Steffen Wink
  • Klaus J. Behrendt
  • Sandra Speichert
  • Stefan Jürgens
  • Heinz Hoenig
  • Hannelore Elsner
  • Jan Josef Liefers
  • Thierry van Werveke
  • Dietmar Bär
  • Mirco Nontschew
  • Edgar Selge
  • Ercan Durmaz
  • Anna Loos
  • Markus Knüfken
  • Bernd Michael Lade
  • Huub Stapel
  • Brion James
  • Gunda Ebert
  • Andreas Schmidt
  • Ellen ten Damme
  • Camilla Renschke
  • Christopher Zumbült
  • Wolfgang Kaven
  • Lolita Wopendzik
  • Mazerinné Holskamp
  • Gottfried Vollmer
  • Angelique Deenen
  • Nicole Ansari-Cox
  • Christof Wackernagel
  • Sascha Kentsch
  • Peter Kloeppel
  • Rachael Crawford
  • Falko Freitag
  • Thomas Jahn
  • Jürgen Bierfreund
  • Roman Sauer
  • Robert Stadlober
  • Maurice Kumar
  • Jeanne Tremsal
  • Tito Larriva
  • Sönke Wortmann
  • Oliver Kalkofe
  • Andreas Lukoschik
  • Kai Böcking
  • Nadine Krüger
  • Roger Willemsen
  • Cherno Jobatey
  • Susann Atwell
  • Bärbel Schäfer
  • Thomas Huber
  • Steffen Scheumann


  • Thomas Jahn


  • Michael Souvignier
  • Thomas Jahn
  • Oliver Stoltz


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