Marine le Pen - The Last March?

Marine le Pen - The Last March?

Released on
Documentary, TV Movie
0 mins
(1 votes)

This film is an uncompromising portrait of a woman who no-one could have imagined in a position of power a few years ago . A look at the woman and, through her, at the party that continuously raises concerns and stirs up the media.


  • Noémie de Lattre
  • Bruno Mégret
  • Nicolas Bay
  • Bruno Gollnisch
  • Nathalie Saint-Cricq
  • Lorrain de Saint Affrique
  • Jean-Marie Le Pen
  • David Rachline
  • Aymeric Chauprade
  • Paul-Marie Coûteaux
  • Florian Philippot
  • Robert Ménard
  • Alexis Corbière
  • Denis Tillinac
  • Sophie Montel
  • Malek Boutih
  • Laurent Wauquiez
  • Marion Maréchal
  • Sébastien Chenu
  • Stéphane Ravier
  • Julien Sanchez
  • Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet
  • Xavier Bertrand
  • Marine Le Pen


  • Emmanuel Blanchard



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