En karl i köket

En karl i köket

Released on
94 mins
(1 votes)

Olle works as maître d' and hopes to buy a hotel with money he borrowed. When his creditor dies Olle gets tricked by his lawyer and has to pay back 50,000 crowns in eight days. In order to pay the money he answers the ads in the newspaper looking for a maid.


  • Herman Ahlsell
  • Ittla Frodi
  • Holger Löwenadler
  • Hjördis Petterson
  • Hugo Björne
  • Olle Johansson
  • Kjell Nordenskiöld
  • Sive Norden
  • Märta Dorff
  • Gull Natorp
  • Inga Hodell
  • Mary Rapp
  • Sven-Axel Carlsson
  • Sten Mattsson
  • Lennart Lundh
  • Olle Davide
  • Thorgny Ström
  • Hanka Nowacka
  • Susanne Grafström
  • Hanny Schedin
  • Aurore Palmgren
  • Karl Erik Flens
  • John Hilke


  • Rolf Husberg



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