Casino Jack and the United States of Money

Casino Jack and the United States of Money

Released on
118 mins
(29 votes)

A probing investigation into the lies, greed and corruption surrounding D.C. super-lobbyist Jack Abramoff and his cronies.


  • Jack Abramoff
  • Tom DeLay
  • Bob Ney
  • Ralph Reed
  • Neil Volz
  • William Branner
  • Donn Dunlop
  • Hal Kreitman
  • Kelly Brian Kuhn
  • Paolo Mugnaini
  • Kevin Henderson
  • Melanie Sloan
  • Nina Easton
  • Dana Rohrabacher
  • Thomas Frank
  • J. Michael Waller
  • Grover Norquist
  • Jonas Savimbi
  • Lewis E. Lehrman
  • Susan Schmidt
  • Robert G. Kaiser
  • Peter Fitzgerald
  • Ron Platt
  • James C. Dobson
  • Michael Scanlon
  • Tony Rudy
  • Ed Buckham
  • Peter Stone
  • Pamela Brown
  • Jim Benedetto
  • George Miller
  • Juan Babauta
  • Froilan Tenorio
  • John T. Doolittle
  • Benigno Fitial
  • William Worfel
  • Tom Rodgers
  • Carlos Hisa
  • Khaled Saffuri
  • David Grosh
  • Mahathir Mohamad
  • Kevin Sickey
  • Bernie Sprague
  • David Sickey
  • Shawn Martin
  • Adam Kidan
  • Dick Armey
  • Michele Bachmann
  • Brian Philip Bilbray
  • Roy Blunt
  • Konstantinos 'Gus' Boulis
  • John Breaux
  • Conrad Ray Burns
  • Barbara Bush
  • George H. W. Bush
  • George W. Bush
  • Laura Bush
  • Kenneth Stanton Calvert
  • Ben Nighthorse Campbell
  • Jimmy Carter
  • Bill Clinton
  • Thad Cochran
  • John Cornyn
  • John J. Duncan Jr.
  • Philip Sheridan English
  • Clinton Eugene Feeney
  • Anthony Ferrari
  • James Fiorillo
  • Newt Gingrich
  • Al Gore
  • Chuck Grassley
  • Ralph Moody Hall
  • Dennis Hastert
  • J.D. Hayworth
  • Patrick Joseph Kennedy II
  • Alexander Koulakovsky
  • Angela Lansbury
  • Dolph Lundgren
  • John McCain
  • Jim McCrery
  • Anthony Moscatiello
  • Maria Nevskaya
  • Barack Obama
  • Susan B. Ralston
  • Nancy Reagan
  • Ronald Reagan
  • Harry Reid
  • Karl Rove
  • Paul Rudd
  • Robert Warren Schaffer
  • George C. Scott
  • Peter Anderson Sessions
  • James Stewart
  • John E. Sweeney
  • Willie Tan
  • Sandy Treadwell
  • Stanley Tucci
  • Robert Anacletus Underwood
  • David Vitter
  • Donald Edwin Young


  • Alex Gibney


  • Zena Barakat
  • Alex Gibney
  • Alison Ellwood


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