His Father's Portrait

His Father's Portrait

Released on
92 mins
(2 votes)

Paul has to leave his country home to collect his father's inheritance of a department store. A natural-born son, Paul's stepmother gives him a cold reception, and he's appalled by the behavior of his half-sister Dominique, an existentialist of the highest order. Paul's gumption restores the Galeries Parisiennes to its former glory, and he gives a farewell present to a more subdued Dominique. He returns to his village, arm in arm with the wise Marie-Louise, ex-saleswoman at the Grand Magasin.


  • Jean Richard
  • Michèle Philippe
  • Brigitte Bardot
  • Mona Goya
  • Frédéric Duvallès
  • Maurice Biraud
  • Charles Bouillaud
  • Philippe Mareuil
  • Robert Rollis
  • Max Desrau
  • Robert Destain
  • Max Elloy
  • Paul Faivre
  • Roger Pierre
  • Daniel Cauchy
  • Mona Dol
  • Maurice Nasil


  • André Berthomieu



    • André Berthomieu
    • Roger Pierre

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