

Released on
Drama, Thriller
116 mins
(47 votes)

After a rapid engagement, a dowdy daughter of a chemist weds an industrialist, knowing little of his family or past. He transforms her into an elegant society wife, but becomes enraged whenever she asks about Michael, his mysterious long-lost brother.


  • Katharine Hepburn
  • Robert Taylor
  • Robert Mitchum
  • Edmund Gwenn
  • Marjorie Main
  • Jayne Meadows
  • Clinton Sundberg
  • Dan Tobin
  • Kathryn Card
  • Leigh Whipper
  • Charles Trowbridge
  • James Westerfield
  • Billy McClain
  • Don Anderson
  • Monya Andre
  • Sylvia Andrew
  • William Bailey
  • Edward Biby
  • Barbara Billingsley
  • Betty Blythe
  • James Carlisle
  • Bill Cartledge
  • David Cavendish
  • Wheaton Chambers
  • Naomi Childers
  • Dorothy Christy
  • James Conaty
  • Oliver Cross
  • Phil Dunham
  • Helen Eby-Rock
  • William Eddritt
  • Sarah Edwards
  • Ella Ethridge
  • Bess Flowers
  • Florence Fair
  • Jane Green
  • Eula Guy
  • Dell Henderson
  • Ernest Hilliard
  • Hazel Keener
  • Kenner G. Kemp
  • Daniel Kerry
  • Milton Kibbee
  • Sydney Logan
  • Frank Mayo
  • Forbes Murray
  • William H. O'Brien
  • Robert Emmett O'Connor
  • Rudy Rama
  • Gordon Richards
  • Ellen Ross
  • Hank Worden
  • Frank Leigh
  • Harold Miller
  • Bert Moorhouse
  • Clive Morgan
  • Reginald Simpson
  • Joan Thorsen
  • Laura Treadwell
  • Suzanne Ridgway


  • Vincente Minnelli


  • Pandro S. Berman


  • Edward Chodorov

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