Angel Has Fallen

Angel Has Fallen

Released on
Action, Thriller
122 mins
(3425 votes)

After a treacherous attack, Secret Service agent Mike Banning is charged with attempting to assassinate President Trumbull. Chased by his own colleagues and the FBI, Banning begins a race against the clock to clear his name.


  • Gerard Butler
  • Morgan Freeman
  • Jada Pinkett Smith
  • Nick Nolte
  • Danny Huston
  • Tim Blake Nelson
  • Lance Reddick
  • Frederick Schmidt
  • Michael Landes
  • Ori Pfeffer
  • Rocci Williams
  • Piper Perabo
  • Harry Ditson
  • Linda John-Pierre
  • Jasmine Hyde
  • Ian Porter
  • Laurel Lefkow
  • Mark Arnold
  • Kerry Shale
  • John Strong
  • Mark Basnight
  • Jessica Cobley
  • Maisie Cobley
  • James Grogan
  • Stuart McQuarrie
  • Katya Bakat
  • Joseph Millson
  • Sapir Azulay
  • Buffy Davis
  • Mickey Nelson
  • Andrew Brooke
  • Mark Rhino Smith
  • Martin Behrman
  • Ryan Oliva
  • Liam Coote
  • Derek Siow
  • Derek Morse
  • Chris Browning
  • Greg Orvis
  • Brendan Kelly
  • Conor Boru
  • Haley Bishop
  • Wayne Gordon
  • Antonio Bustorff
  • Stacee Vatanapan
  • Mike Broomley
  • Osi Okerafor
  • Daniel Singh
  • Georgia Goodman
  • Chris Rogers
  • Mike Bodie
  • Clayton Adams
  • Erol Mehmet
  • Charlotte Statham
  • Hadrian Howard
  • Atanas Srebrev
  • Fahradin Fahradinov
  • Martin Geraskov
  • Nathan Cooper
  • Nadia Konakchieva
  • Sophia Del Pizzo


  • Ric Roman Waugh


  • Gerard Butler
  • Alan Siegel
  • Matthew O'Toole
  • Les Weldon
  • Yariv Lerner
  • John Thompson


  • Robert Mark Kamen
  • Matt Cook
  • Ric Roman Waugh

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