Everything's Cool
- Released on
- Runtime
- 89 mins
In this documentary, filmmakers Daniel B. Gold and Judith Helfand (Blue Vinyl) follow a troupe of self-proclaimed global warming "warriors" on a mission to get the world to care about rising temperatures and melting polar ice caps. Taking a topic that's inherently serious and applying their signature blend of humor and emotional heft, Gold and Helfand advance the environmental dialogue in a surprisingly entertaining way.
In this documentary, filmmakers Daniel B. Gold and Judith Helfand (Blue Vinyl) follow a troupe of self-proclaimed global warming "warriors" on a mission to get the world to care about rising temperatures and melting polar ice caps. Taking a topic that's inherently serious and applying their signature blend of humor and emotional heft, Gold and Helfand advance the environmental dialogue in a surprisingly entertaining way.
- Daniel B. Gold
- Ross Gelbspan
- Bill McKibben
- John 'Bish' Neuhauser
- Ted Nordhaus
- Rick Piltz
- Michael Shellenberger
- Sheila Watt-Cloutier
- Tony Blair
- Tom Brokaw
- George W. Bush
- Philip Cooney
- Dr. Heidi Cullen
- Kert Davies
- Leonardo DiCaprio
- Myron Ebell
- Anne Gelbspan
- Michel Gelobter
- Leona Goodhope
- Al Gore
- Sean Hannity
- James Hansen
- Jamie Henn
- James Inhofe
- Jay Inslee
- Darrell Issa
- Bill Maher
- Dan Rather
- Oprah Winfrey
- Judith Helfand
- Daniel B. Gold
- Adam Wolfensohn
- Chris Pilaro
- Judith Helfand
- Daniel B. Gold