The Naughty Nineties

The Naughty Nineties

Released on
76 mins
(23 votes)

In the gay '90s, cardsharps take over a Mississippi riverboat from a kindly captain. Their first act is to change the showboat into a floating gambling house. A ham actor and his bumbling sidekick try to devise a way to help the captain regain ownership of the vessel.


  • Bud Abbott
  • Lou Costello
  • Alan Curtis
  • Rita Johnson
  • Henry Travers
  • Lois Collier
  • Joe Sawyer
  • Joe Kirk
  • Bill Alcorn
  • Audley Anderson
  • Jack Barbee
  • Suzanne Lee Bastian
  • Edward Biby
  • Gladys Blake
  • Milt Bronson
  • Douglas Carter
  • Jack Chefe
  • Jack Coffey
  • Bing Conley
  • Tony Dell
  • William Desmond
  • Dolores Evers
  • Tom Fadden
  • Sid Fields
  • Rainbow Four
  • Jack Frack
  • Jack Frost
  • Edward Gargan
  • Parker Garvie
  • Joe Gilbert
  • Rita Gould
  • William E. Green
  • John Hamilton
  • Carol Hughes
  • John Indrisano
  • Warren Jackson
  • Ralph Johns
  • Ben Johnson
  • Dick Johnstone
  • Shirley Karnes
  • Donald Kerr
  • Paul Kruger
  • William W. Larsen
  • Perc Launders
  • Ann Lawrence
  • Rex Lease
  • Ruth Lee
  • Max Linder
  • Arthur Loft
  • Chick Madden
  • Sam McDaniel
  • Charles McNally
  • Jack Norton
  • William H. O'Brien
  • Bud O'Connor
  • Artie Ortego
  • Jack Overman
  • Barbara Pepper
  • Charles Phillips
  • Torchy Rand
  • Jack Rice
  • Cyril Ring
  • Sue Robin
  • Henry Russell
  • Sarah Selby
  • Arthur 'Fiddlin' Smith
  • Ronald Stanton
  • Irene Thomas
  • Emmett Vogan
  • Bud Wolfe
  • Jack Worth
  • Lillian Yarbo


  • Jean Yarbrough


  • John Grant
  • Edmund L. Hartmann


  • Edmund L. Hartmann
  • John Grant
  • Edmund Joseph
  • Hal Fimberg

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