The Bad and the Beautiful

The Bad and the Beautiful

Released on
Drama, Romance
118 mins
(245 votes)

Told in flashback form, the film traces the rise and fall of a tough, ambitious Hollywood producer, Jonathan Shields, as seen through the eyes of various acquaintances, including a writer, James Lee Bartlow; a star, Georgia Lorrison; and a director, Fred Amiel. He is a hard-driving, ambitious man who ruthlessly uses everyone on the way to becoming one of Hollywood's top movie makers.


  • Kirk Douglas
  • Lana Turner
  • Dick Powell
  • Barry Sullivan
  • Walter Pidgeon
  • Gloria Grahame
  • Gilbert Roland
  • Paul Stewart
  • Vanessa Brown
  • Leo G. Carroll
  • Elaine Stewart
  • Sammy White
  • Ivan Triesault
  • Lucy Knoch
  • Jay Adler
  • Stanley Andrews
  • Del Armstrong
  • Ben Astar
  • Barbara Billingsley
  • John Bishop
  • Madge Blake
  • Marshall Bradford
  • Paul Bradley
  • Hadda Brooks
  • Ralph Brooks
  • Robert Burton
  • Francis X. Bushman
  • Louis Calhern
  • Marietta Canty
  • Robert Carson
  • Beulah Christian
  • Janet Comerford
  • James Conaty
  • Jonathan Cott
  • Lillian Culver
  • Alexis Davidoff
  • Bob Davis
  • Sandy Descher
  • Helen Dickson
  • Phil Dunham
  • Steve Dunhill
  • Franklyn Farnum
  • James Farrar
  • Bess Flowers
  • Charles Fogel
  • George Ford
  • Steve Forrest
  • Kathleen Freeman
  • Rudy Germane
  • Frank Gerstle
  • Joe Gilbert
  • Ned Glass
  • James Gonzalez
  • Phyllis Graffeo
  • Herschel Graham
  • A. Cameron Grant
  • Marion Gray
  • William E. Green
  • Dabbs Greer
  • Robert Haines
  • Sam Harris
  • Dick Johnstone
  • Ted Jordan
  • Joseph Keane
  • Kenner G. Kemp
  • Peggy King
  • Mike Lally
  • Louise Lane
  • George J. Lewis
  • Wilbur Mack
  • Paul Marion
  • Paul Maxey
  • May McAvoy
  • Harold Miller
  • Hans Moebus
  • Patrick J. Molyneaux
  • Roger Moore
  • Ellanora Needles
  • Richard Norris
  • William H. O'Brien
  • Pat O'Malley
  • Christopher Olsen
  • Dorothy Patrick
  • William Phillips
  • Murray Pollack
  • Paul Power
  • Kathy Qualen
  • Anthony Redondo
  • Jeff Richards
  • Loretta Russell
  • Jeffrey Sayre
  • Frank J. Scannell
  • Perry Sheehan
  • George Sherwood
  • Reginald Simpson
  • Mabel Smaney
  • Norman Stevans
  • William Tannen
  • Dee Turnell
  • Harry Tyler
  • Kaaren Verne
  • Ray Walker
  • Harte Wayne
  • Lawrence A. Williams
  • Eric Wilton
  • Wilson Wood
  • Douglas Yorke
  • Helen Young


  • Vincente Minnelli


  • John Houseman


  • Charles Schnee

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