

Released on
Drama, Action, Romance
78 mins
(1 votes)

Lea Lyon, the daughter of a rabbi, lives happily with her father in their Gulicinu village, but there are rumblings of war. Soon, the village is overrun with the Imperial troops of the Russian Czar, with Constantine in Imperial command. He is attracted by the beauty of Lea and commands her to come to his quarters. She refuses and he is outraged. He orders the townspeople barred behind their doors and the village burned. Though she loves her honor above everything else, she can not bear to see the villagers suffer, and makes the lonely walk through the village to the Inn.


  • Mary Philbin
  • Ivan Mosjoukine
  • Otto Matieson
  • Nigel De Brulier
  • Otto Fries
  • Daniel Makarenko
  • Lassie Lou Ahern
  • John Bleifer
  • Russ Powell


  • Edward Sloman



    • Edward J. Montagne
    • Charles Kenyon

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