Monkey Business

Monkey Business

Released on
Comedy, Science Fiction
97 mins
(250 votes)

Research chemist Barnaby Fulton works on a fountain of youth pill for a chemical company. One of the labs chimps gets loose in the laboratory and mixes chemicals, but then pours the mix into the water cooler. When trying one of his own samples, washed down with water from the cooler, Fulton begins to act just like a twenty-year-old and believes his potion is working. Soon his wife and boss are also behaving like children.


  • Cary Grant
  • Ginger Rogers
  • Charles Coburn
  • Marilyn Monroe
  • Hugh Marlowe
  • Henri Letondal
  • Robert Cornthwaite
  • Larry Keating
  • Douglas Spencer
  • Esther Dale
  • George Winslow
  • Marjorie Holliday
  • Harry Carey, Jr.
  • Nico Minardos
  • Charlotte Austin
  • Harry Bartell
  • Faire Binney
  • Tex Brodus
  • Olive Carey
  • Harry Carter
  • Melinda Casey
  • Ronnie Clark
  • Russ Clark
  • Heinie Conklin
  • George Eldredge
  • Kathleen Freeman
  • Terry Goodman
  • Dabbs Greer
  • Howard Hawks
  • George Hoagland
  • Perk Lazelle
  • Rudy Lee
  • Louis Lettieri
  • Mickey Little
  • Emmett Lynn
  • Paul Maxey
  • John McKee
  • Bill McLean
  • Joseph Mell
  • Christopher Milne
  • Jonathan Milne
  • Ray Montgomery
  • Roger Moore
  • Brad Morrow
  • Forbes Murray
  • Robert Nichols
  • Jerry Paris
  • Maudie Prickett
  • Jimmy Roebuck
  • Harry Seymour
  • Jerry Sheldon
  • Olan Soule
  • Gil Stratton
  • Ruth Warren
  • Mack Williams
  • Isabel Withers


  • Howard Hawks


  • Sol C. Siegel


  • Ben Hecht
  • Charles Lederer
  • Howard Hawks
  • I. A. L. Diamond

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