The Dead Inside

The Dead Inside

Released on
Horror, Action, Science Fiction
120 mins
(18 votes)

A bad night out just got a fair bit worse, it's the end of the world! Something terrible has happened, the undead are out in force; roaming the streets and devouring all who get in their way. A group of soldiers, civilians and teenagers take shelter in a local school for protection from the undead hordes outside, but no rescue is coming. Food is running low - morale doubly so, tensions are high and things are looking bad when a stranger arrives outside the gate. Then they get a whole lot worse.


  • Luke Hobson
  • Nicky Paul Barton
  • Roger Fowler
  • Samuel Hogarth
  • Elizabeth Quinn
  • David Wayman
  • James Harrison
  • Simon Mathews
  • Abby Simpson
  • Simon Nader
  • James Callàs Ball
  • Stuart J. Prowse
  • Garry Jenkins
  • Ann Watson
  • Dave Morrisby
  • Liam Vernan
  • Anthony Stephenson
  • Louise Voice
  • Tom Eykelhof
  • Adam Kerr
  • Luke Lovell
  • Lawrence Juniper
  • Dale Stratton
  • Jonathan Goodwin
  • Keith Chanter
  • Mark Burrows
  • Kit Benjamin
  • Victoria Souter
  • Joe Howson
  • Jimmy Mann
  • Vanessa Cataldo
  • Paul Farrow
  • David Hammond
  • James Fowler
  • David Woodward
  • Stefano Boi
  • Ben Barlow
  • Adam Hughes
  • Miles Sloan
  • Quincy Sloan
  • Stefan Murawski
  • Julian Hundy
  • Dale Clements
  • Nigel Brown
  • Rajesh Mall
  • Sarah Heard
  • Lee Philpott
  • Charlotte Crame
  • Jamie Meekins
  • Kevin Ellis
  • Steven Gilbert
  • Jack Hoare
  • Nick Reilly
  • Martin Prosser
  • Laura Isley
  • Lewis Howard
  • Alex Hankiewicz
  • Daniel Cheasman
  • Martin Chalkley
  • Holly Smith
  • Adam Storey
  • Luke Isley
  • Sarah Jelly
  • Nick Green
  • Simon Barlow
  • Anna Philpott
  • Jessica Hundy
  • Steve Carter
  • Nick Blunt
  • Rob Carmichael
  • Andrew Davies
  • Charlie Layton
  • Christina Copsey
  • Mycah Tequeron


  • Andrew Gilbert


  • Andrew Gilbert
  • Julian Hundy
  • Nigel Brown
  • Rajesh Mall
  • Jamie Meekins


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