The Town

The Town

Released on
Crime, Drama, Thriller
125 mins
(4941 votes)

Doug MacRay is a longtime thief, who, smarter than the rest of his crew, is looking for his chance to exit the game. When a bank job leads to the group kidnapping an attractive branch manager, he takes on the role of monitoring her – but their burgeoning relationship threatens to unveil the identities of Doug and his crew to the FBI Agent who is on their case.


  • Ben Affleck
  • Jeremy Renner
  • Rebecca Hall
  • Jon Hamm
  • Blake Lively
  • Slaine
  • Pete Postlethwaite
  • Owen Burke
  • Titus Welliver
  • Chris Cooper
  • Dennis McLaughlin
  • Corena Chase
  • Brian Scannell
  • Kerri Dunbar
  • Tony V.
  • Isaac Bordoy
  • Michael Yebba
  • Daniel Woods
  • Jimmy Joe Maher
  • Joe Lawler
  • Michele Cressinger
  • Mark Berglund
  • Ralph Boutwell
  • Michael Romig
  • Michael Malvesti
  • Jack Neary
  • Ed O'Keefe
  • Ben Hanson
  • Brian A. White
  • Richard Caines
  • Frank Garvin
  • Danny Ring
  • Gary Galone
  • David Catanzaro
  • Jeremiah Kissel
  • Malik McMullen
  • Charles C. Winchester III
  • Adam J. Husband
  • Danny DeMiller
  • Susan Rawlinson
  • Sean Locke
  • Peter Looney
  • Lennin Pena
  • James McKittrick
  • Ted Arcidi
  • Bryan Connolly
  • Quan Liang Chen
  • Alex Winston
  • Michael F. Murphy
  • Kimberly Mahoney
  • Bobby Curcuro
  • Ginaya Green
  • Nicole Page
  • Georgia Lyman
  • Robert Boyden
  • Jamie Ghazarian
  • Chick Bernhard
  • Stephen Bishop
  • David Boston
  • Alex Bussell
  • Katelyn Cahill
  • Nick Cairis
  • Jeffrey Corazzini
  • Tommy Dallace
  • Mary A. DeBriae
  • Tom Diorio
  • Jeffrey Feingold
  • Mugisha Feruzi
  • Keith Fluker
  • Carlos Foglia
  • Jim Ford
  • Rich Foster
  • John Franchi
  • Jonathon Frost
  • Victor Garber
  • Suzanne Gillies
  • London Hall
  • Bane Harlock
  • Louis Holmes


  • Ben Affleck


  • Basil Iwanyk
  • Graham King


  • Ben Affleck
  • Aaron Stockard
  • Peter Craig

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