Piraten Massaker

Piraten Massaker

Released on
80 mins
(4 votes)

On the shores of a deserted island, a band of pirates anchors with the intention of digging up a legendary treasure of gold. In their expedition, however, they have made the bill without hooded murderous monks, who populate the island in droves, all intruders, which they get hold of, cruelly slaughter and even eat from the flesh of their enemies. A randomly passing blonde and her conditionally defensive bodyguard round out the well-groomed chaos.


  • Sonja Seemüller
  • Christoph Krappe
  • Elischeba Wilde
  • Vera van Griensven
  • Dirk van Griensven
  • Erwin Feldkamp
  • Frank Reglinski
  • Sabrina Terliesner
  • Dirk Terliesner
  • Nasi Atuglu
  • Peter Brockmann
  • Jochen Taubert
  • Stefan Lölfing
  • Silvia Kippert
  • Christian Bütterhoff
  • Heinz Levers
  • Stefan Assing
  • Jens Buetterhoff
  • Günter Könning
  • Uwe Rainer
  • Stefan Terliesner
  • Bernd Dittmann
  • Hermann Abbing
  • Dennis Atoglu
  • Timo Atoglu
  • Norbert Overesch
  • Daniel Florin
  • Adriane Sondermann
  • Mohamed Hussein
  • Patrick Dieks
  • Yasar Karouglu
  • Sascha Lonsing
  • Jens Schwietering


  • Jochen Taubert


  • Jochen Taubert


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