

Released on
Comedy, Drama, Romance
100 mins
(76 votes)

During the 1980s, uptight Ted Boynton is a salesman working in the Barcelona office of a Chicago-based company. He receives an unexpected visit from his cousin Fred, a naval officer who has come to Spain on a public relations mission for a U.S. fleet. Not exactly friends in the past, Ted and Fred strike up relationships with women in the Spanish city and experience conflicts -- Ted with his employer, and Fred with the Barcelona community.


  • Taylor Nichols
  • Chris Eigeman
  • Tushka Bergen
  • Mira Sorvino
  • Pep Munné
  • Hellena Taylor
  • Núria Badia
  • Jack Gilpin
  • Thomas Gibson
  • Pere Ponce
  • Laura López
  • Francis Creighton
  • Edmon Roch
  • Diana Sassen
  • Àngels Bassas
  • Elisenda Bautesta
  • Andrea Montero
  • Paul Degen
  • Paca Barrera
  • Nico Baixas
  • Debbon Ayer
  • Gerardo Seeliger
  • Mercè Puy
  • Rosa Grifell
  • Francesco X. Canals
  • Juan Martinez-Lage
  • Isabel Ruiz de Villa
  • Montserat Zubiria
  • Gabriela Tubella
  • Leopoldo Pomés Jr.
  • Ana Sans  
  • Elizabeth Sans
  • Carina Murtra
  • Helena Garrabou
  • Nacho Fontcuberta
  • Silvia Loewe
  • Florencio Sueldo
  • Toni Priante
  • Inés Ventós
  • George H. Beane
  • James Shaw
  • Stillman Finley
  • George Andrew Johnston
  • Gordon Pennoyer
  • George Sim Johnston
  • Russell Pennoyer
  • J. Harden Rose
  • Jonni Bassiner
  • Alexander Mantel
  • Gavin Kovaks
  • Wayne Carney
  • Joan Frank Charansonnet


  • Whit Stillman


  • Whit Stillman


  • Whit Stillman

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