

Released on
Drama, Romance
171 mins
(326 votes)

A strong-willed peasant girl is sent by her father to the estate of some local aristocrats to capitalize on a rumor that their families are from the same line, but is left traumatised from her experiences.


  • Nastassja Kinski
  • Peter Firth
  • Leigh Lawson
  • John Collin
  • Rosemary Martin
  • Carolyn Pickles
  • Richard Pearson
  • David Markham
  • Pascale de Boysson
  • Suzanna Hamilton
  • Caroline Embling
  • Tony Church
  • Lesley Dunlop
  • Sylvia Coleridge
  • Fred Bryant
  • Dicken Ashworth
  • Patsy Rowlands
  • John Barrett
  • Patsy Smart
  • Brigid Erin Bates
  • Jeanne Biras
  • John Bett
  • Tom Chadbon
  • Maryline Even
  • Jean-Jacques Daubin
  • Jacob Weizbluth
  • Jacques Mathou
  • Véronique Alain
  • Anne Tirard
  • Josine Comellas
  • Arielle Dombasle
  • Gordon Richardson
  • Jimmy Gardner
  • Reg Dent
  • John Gill
  • Forbes Collins
  • Keith Buckley
  • John Moore
  • Graham Weston
  • Peter Benson


  • Roman Polanski


  • Claude Berri


  • Gérard Brach
  • Roman Polanski
  • John Brownjohn

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